Breeders Guide

The Breeders Guide to Quality Assurance


Click on the image to take you to each section

Submitting data.png

  • How do I get my data into Sheep Genetics? 

  • Want help getting data prepared? 

  • What data do I need to submit? 

  • When should I submit data to Sheep Genetics?

Animal identification.png

  • 16-digit ID's

  • Breed code table


Known environmental effects.png

  • Birth date

  • Sex of animal

  • Birth and rear type

Management groups.png

  • Recording groups - birth, management, lifetime

  • Missed measurements

  • How are groups analysed

  • Effective progeny numbers 


  • Where do I need linkage?

  • Linkage for traits

  • Ways to ensure across-year, across-group and across-flock linkage

Trait measurements.png

Ver 2024.2 - June_2024