International subscription and fees

International subscription and fees


If you are a new international member wishing to get started with Sheep Genetics, please fill out a subscription form and submit it.

If you are an unregistered flock then please complete this flock code request form and we will allocate a code that you will need prior to completing the subscription form.

Fee Schedule

Sheep Genetics is a not for profit service operating for the benefit of Australian sheep producers. However, Sheep Genetics budgets have been prepared using the principle that the delivery of genetic information that benefits individual producers should be paid for in full by the users.

Industry has settled upon an annual subscription fee per flock plus a fee per animal entered into the database. An animal achieves billable status when it has a weaning weight or after entered into the database (LAMBPLAN) or post weaning trait or after measurements (MERINOSELECT). This means that once an animal is entered into the database, data can continue to be entered on that animal throughout its life at no additional cost.

The fees outlined below cover the Sheep Genetics analysis and reporting of data. The cost of measurement and collection of data is additional and external to Sheep Genetics.

Table 1: Sheep Genetics International subscription fee schedule

Charges FY 25
Annual Flock subscription $633.00
Additional annual flock subscription $173.00
Animal data charge $3.40


Once you have subscribed you are able to submit data to Sheep Genetics. For more information, visit the Data submission process page.