Data submission process

Data submission process

Step one: Submitting data

Submit your data that has been recorded in one of the compatible software programs, including the:

  • pedigree
  • measurements for traits
  • dates
  • management groups.

There is commercial and free software available. 

If you require help submitting your data, see the list of data managers.

Step two: Validation and error fixing

Each of the recommended software programs have inbuilt validation. This validation identifies mistakes that you can correct before submitting your data file.

Step three: Submission to the database

  1. Using your software, create an XML export of your data and submit via the online Submission Portal, you can find further information here
  2. Review your submission and if happy click 'Submit'. 

Please ensure you send or submit your file before 5pm NSW time on the date of the run. See list of analysis dates.

Step four: Results

Sheep Genetics will email within 10 working days of the run cut-off date, advising that your results files will be available from the online dashboard when you are logged in.